I go by Andros, and welcome to my site! Still a work in progress right now, but this is where I'll be dumping all my otherkin nonsense. Stay tuned for more details!
I am a fae/elf hybrid ("faelf") who Awoke in 2009. I was active on Second Life for a while, then ran with the Darkfang contingent. After that went poof, I fell in with mythical creatures scattered around the Bay Area, thanks largely to Arethinn's SFBayOtherkin meetup. I was just too young to be on any mailing lists, but I did attend one of the last gasps of Thresholds (and got profiled by a feral sociologist for my trouble). I'm an eclectic pagan, favoring Hellenic and Celtic pantheons by and large with a bit of Druidry thrown in for good measure.
In my mundane life, I work sysadmin support for an IT megacorp even the locals haven't heard of, and enjoy sci-fi and fantasy, 3D printing, hardware hacking, RPGs, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. I also play way too much video games (FFXIV being my current obsession), some of which I stream. I pass for goth on occasion, but it's only one aspect of my being.